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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
條約 Treaty
樹高 tree height
喬木 trees
吸蟲 Trematoda
海溝 Trench
三輪 tri-wheel
三棘魨科 Triacanthidae
擬三棘魨 Triacanthodes anomalus (Temminck & Schlegel)
東非擬三棘魨 Triacanthodes eithiops Alcock
擬三棘魨科 Triacanthodidae
突吻三棘魨 Triacanthus biaculeayus (Bloch)
勃氏三棘魨 Triacanthus blochi Bleeker
短吻三棘魨, 三腳釘 Triacanthus brevirostris Temminck & Schlegel
三泰芬 Triadimefon
鱟鮫 Triaenodon obesus (Ruppell)

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