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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
拖網漁場 Trawl fishing ground
拖網漁場 Trawl ground
拖網 Trawl net
拖網漁業 Trawl net fishery
拖網漁船 Trawler
拖網捕撈 Trawling
拖網效率 Trawling efficiency
拖網漁具 Trawling gears
拖網漁場 Trawling ground
拖圍兼作 Trawling-seining combination
拖圍兼作漁船 Trawling-seining vessel
長期國庫券 Treasury bond
中期國庫券 Treasury note
處理溶液 Treated solution
水土保持之處理與維護 treatment and maintenance of soil and water conservation

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