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Chinese English
殘留容許量 Tolerance, residue
耐受性 tolerant
番茄 tomato
宋氏九刺鮨、網紋鱠、過魚、石斑、紅舵 tomato hind (Cephalopholis sonnerati)
番茄嵌紋病毒 Tomato mosaic virus, ToMV
蕃茄渣 ; 蕃茄醬粕 Tomato pomace
番茄斑點萎凋病毒 Tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV
Tomistoma schegeli
斷層影像技術 tomographic technique
凍頂烏龍茶 Tongding Oolong tea
香椿 tonna sinensis roem
扁桃腺 tonsil
牙齒 Tooth
末徑 top (end) diameter; small end diameter
末端直徑 top (end) diameter; small end diameter

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