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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
疏伐率 thinning grade
間伐率 thinning grade
間伐強度 thinning intensity
得恩地 Thiram
水土保持局第三工程所 Third Engineering Office, Soil and Water Conservation Bureau
紅鋤齒鯛、血鯛、齊頭盤、盤仔、魬鯛 threadfin porgy / cardinal seabream (Evynnis cardinalis)
午仔魚 Threadfin Sixfinger threadfin
馬鮁科、午仔、小午、大午、竹午、六絲馬鮁、四絲馬鮁 threadfins (Polynemidae)
典型三生產業:生產、生活、生態 three classic sectors: production, life, and ecology
土壤三相 three phases of soil
三力 Three powers of innovation, energy and charm
三生農業 Three vital functions of agriculture
紅星梭子蟹、三點仔、三點市仔、市子 three-spot swimming crab (Portunus sanguinolentus)
羥丁胺酸 Threonine
狐鯊科 、長尾沙、三娘鯊、深海狐鮫、淺海狐鮫、沙娘仔、狐鮫、小目午仔、大目午仔 thresher sharks (Alopiidae)

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