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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
溫度計 Thermometer
嗜熱微生物 Thermophilic microorganism
溫度感受器 Thermoreceptor
體溫調節 Thermoregulation
厚層噴植法 thick layer hydroseeding
厚殼蝦 Thick-shell shrimp
粗度 Thickness
徐昇多邊形法 Thiesson polygons method
牛腩 thin flank
薄層噴植法 thin thickness hydroseeding
疏伐跡地 thinned forest area
瘦弱 Thinness
疏伐 thinning
下層間伐 thinning from below
疏伐強度 thinning grade

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