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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
經緯儀測量 Theodolite Surveying
理論分析 Theoretical analysis
最高每日容許攝取理論值 Theoretical maximum daily intake (TMDI)
理論 Theory
模型相似理論 theory model similarity
流速分佈理論 theory of velocity-distribution
狹雪, 明太魚 Theragra chalcogramma
條紋雞魚 Therapon theraps (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
溫排水 Thermal effluent
溫排水污染 Thermal effluent pollution
溫流水 Thermal flowing water
熱污染 Thermal pollution
溫泉水 Thermal spring water
躍溫層 Thermocline
熱力學 Thermodynamics

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