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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
野生動物的未來,掌握在我們手中 The future of wildlife is in our hands
環球郵報 The Globe and Mail
運用反壟斷法於農協的指南 The Guidelines for Application of the Antimonopoly Act to Agricultural Cooperatives
人類生態學模型 The human ecosystem model (HEM)
國際里山倡議夥伴關係網絡(IPSI) The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI)
國際里山倡議夥伴關係網絡 The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative, IPSI
國際種子檢查協會 The International Seed Testing Association
新南向政策 the New Southbound Policy
網際網路申報系統 The online system for agricultural finance institutions to declare operational information
有機蔬菜團膳供應體系 the Organic Vegetable Supply System
種苗業登記證 The plant seed enterprise registration certificate
植物品種及種苗法 The Plant Variety and Plant Seed Act
政策性農業專案貸款 The Policy-Oriented Special Agricultural Loan
二期稻作 the second crop rice
安定水力斷面 the stable hydraulic section

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