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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
供試分樣 Test portion (analytical portion)
試航 Test run
供試樣品 Test sample (analytical sample)
供試物質 Test substance
供試系統 Test system
容重量 test weight
睪丸 testes
火雞睪丸 testes / testicle
精巢 Testis
樂本松 Tetrachlorvinphos
四氟硼酸 tetrafluoroboric acid
四膜纖毛蟲症 Tetrahymena infection
二點葉蟎 Tetranychusurticae
白網紋河魨 Tetraodon alboreticulatus Tanaka
腹紋白點河魨 Tetraodon hispidus (Linnaeus)

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