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Bilingual Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | S | Y | Z | All

Chinese English
規格標 technical proposal
水土保持技術規範 Technical Regulations for Soil and Water Conservation
技術改造 Technical resonstruction
工藝輪伐期 technical rotation
技術服務組 Technical Service Division
技術服務館 Technical Service Building
技術服務組 Technical Service Division, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
技術服務室 Technical Service Section
薦任技正 Technical Specialist
技監(具工程專業技術) Technical Superintendent
技工 Technical Worker
技士(具工程專業技術) Technician
技術引進 Technique import
工藝條件 Technological condition
技術經濟 Technological economy

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