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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
盛宴好食光,產銷履歷加菜金活動 TAP promotion event: buy TAP products and get the chance to win your money back
日本綴錦蛤、蚶仔 Tapes japonica
淺蜊 Tapes literatus
大蛤, 薄殼、大殼仔 Tapes platyptycha
海瓜子 Tapes variegata
紅褐烏魴 Taractes rubescens (Jordan & Evermann)
大鱗烏魴 Taractichyhys steindachneri (Doderlein)
標的 Target
生物標的 Target, biological
佈標 Targeting
關稅 Tariff
關稅配額 Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ)
關稅配額 ; 關稅稅率配額 Tariff Rate Quota ; TRQ
關稅配額 tariff-rate quota(TRQ)
芋頭 taro

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