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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
甜味作物價格調整法 Sweetening Crops Price Adjustment Law
膨化飼料 Swelled feed
腹部腫脹 Swelling of belly
鰓瓣腫脹 Swelling of gill sheets
鰾病 Swim bladder disease
石蟳 swimming crab
泳速 Swimming speed
豬場 swine farm
種豬拍賣場 Swine Auction Yard
豬丹毒 Swine Erysipelas
豬流行性感冒 swine infeuza
豬水疱病 Swine Vesicular Disease
豬水泡病 Swine vesicular disease
張網 Swing net
劍旗魚 Swordfish

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