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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
永續發展目標 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)
永續森林經營 sustainable forest management
永續加工產業 Sustainable Process Industries
永續稻米平臺 Sustainable Rice Platform
永續作業 sustained working
永續收穫;永續生產 sustained yield
永續收穫經營;永續經營 sustained yield management
沼澤林 swamp
林澤 swamp
瑞典蕪菁 Swedish tumip (英) ; Rutabaga(美)
甜味樹薯 Sweet cassava
甜玉米 Sweet corn
香魚 Sweet fish
香魚 Sweet fish Ayu
香魚、(魚桀)魚、年魚 sweet fish / ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis)

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