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Chinese English
帶狀廊道 strip corridors
帶狀伐採作業 strip cutting system; strip felling system
帶狀伐採 strip felling; strip cutting
條型包種茶 Strip type Paochong tea
銀花鱸、帶紋白鱸、條紋狼鱸、條紋鱸、白鱸 striped bass (Morone spp.)
紅肉旗魚 Striped marlin
紅肉旗魚、紅肉仔、紅目丁挽、條紋四鰭旗魚 striped marlin (Kajikia audax)
條紋臭鼬 striped skunk
柴魚 stripey (Microcanthus strigatus)
紐約克 striploin
鯧科 Stromateidae
白鯧 Stromateoides argenteus (Euphrasen)
燕尾鯧, 旗鯧 Stromateoides echinogaster (Basilevsky)
中國鯧 Stromateoides sinensis (Euphrasen)
強烈水躍 strong jump

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