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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
尾滑道拖網漁船 Stern chute trawler
尾式拖網船 Stern trawler
胸狗母科 Sternoptychidae
班達鸚鯛 Stethojulis bandanensis (Bleeker)
斷線鸚鯛 Stethojulis interrupta (Bleeker)
腹紋鸚鯛 Stethojulis strigiventer (Bennett)
三線鸚鯛 Stethojulis trilineata (Bloch & Schneider)
小黑瓢蟲 Stethoruspunctum
黏著劑 Sticher
刺參, 海參 Stichopus japonicus (Selnka)
壓榨液 Stick water
棒受網 Stick-held net
棒受網 Stickheld dip net
網背蟎科 Stigmaeidae
腐皮病 Stigmatosis

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