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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
曳絲單棘魨, 粗皮竹、剝皮魚 Stephanolepis cirrhifer (Temminck & Schlegel)
日本單棘魨 Stephanolepis japonicus (Tilesius)
腎蟲 Stephanurus detatus
腳踏石 steping-stone (step stone)
立體像對 Stereo Pair
立體鏡 Stereoscopes
立體觀察 Stereoscopic Viewing
無菌播種 Sterile sowing
不稔性 sterility
不育 Sterility
無菌試驗 Sterility test
殺菌 Sterilization
殺菌設備 Sterilizer
殺菌 Sterilizing
船尾滑道 Stern chute

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