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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
雲斑紫]鮫 Squatina nebulosa Regan
魷釣機 Squid angling machine
魷漁業 Squid fishery
魷漁場 Squid fishing ground
魷刺網 Squid gillnet
魷魚火腿 Squid ham
魷釣 Squid Jigging
烏賊粉 Squid meal
魷魚香腸 Squid sausage
魷魚片 Squid slice
烏賊內臟粉 Squid viscera meal
魷魚 Squids
魷科 squids (Ommastrephidae)
SRK基因 Sreceptor kinase

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