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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
產卵期 Spawning period
產卵池 Spawning pond
產卵率 Spawning rate
產卵季節 Spawning season
種豐富度 spcies richness , R
固相萃取 SPE
鏢旗魚 Spear Fishing
劍蝦 Spear shrimp
劍蝦、洪劍蝦、黑劍蝦、硬槍蝦、九蝦、尖仔 spear shrimp (Parapenaeus spp.)
特殊優惠待遇 Special and Difference Treatment, S&D
特殊與差別待遇 Special and Differential Treatment
特種水產品 Special fishery product
穩定肉用牛肥育特別法案 Special Program for Stabilization of Beef Cattle Fattening Farming
穩定肉豬飼養特別方案 Special Program for the Stabilization of Pig Farming
加工用途生乳生產者虧損補貼方案 Special Program for the Stabilization of Pig Farming

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