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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
黑鯛 Sparus macrocephalus
嘉臘魚 Sparus major (Temminck & Schlegel)
黃錫鯛,枋頭 Sparus sarba Forsskal
貝苗 Spat
採貝苗 Spat collection
貝類育苗 Spat rearing
附苗 Spatfall
空間分布 spatial distribution
變積流或空間變量流 spatially-varied flow
產卵魚 Spawner
產卵 Spawning
產卵活動 Spawning activities
產卵行為 Spawning behavior
產卵場 Spawning ground
剷卵回游 Spawning migration

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