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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
醬油粕 Soya pomace ; Soy sauce cake
黃豆 soybean
豆餅 Soybean cake (Feed grade)
豆腐渣 Soybean curd pomace ; Soybean pomace
黃豆皮 Soybean hull
大豆粕 Soybean meal ; Soybean oil meal
脫殼大豆粕 Soybean meal, dehulled
豆渣 Soybean milk residue
黃豆芽 soybean sprout
太空生態學 Space ecology
空間效應 Spacial effect
馬加鰆 Spanish mackerel
腩排 spareribs
鯛科 Sparidae
黃鰭鯛 Sparus latus

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