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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
哈氏柄頜海龍 Solegnathus hardwickii (Gray)
萊提柄頜海龍 Solegnathus lettiensis Bleeker
異鼻斑鰨沙 Soleichthys heterorhinos Bleeker
逆眼異鼻鰨沙 Soleichthys sp.
鰨科 Soleidae
管鞭蝦 Solencera prominentis
管鞭蝦科 Solenoceridae
溝口魚科 Solenostomidae
甲胄剃刀魚 Solenostomus armatus Weber
藍鰭剃刀魚 Solenostomus cyanopterus Bleeker
鋸吻剃刀魚 Solenostomus paegnius Jordan & Thompson
剃刀魚 Solenostomus paradoxus (Pallas)
西刀蛤、西施舌, 西刀舌、西施貝 Soletellina diphos
固相轉化 Solid phase conversion
固相萃取 solid phase extraction

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