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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
土壤肥料研究室 ( 二 ) Soil and Fertilizer Research Office (II)
土壤肥料科 Soil and Fertilizer Section
水土保持 soil and water conservation
水土保持法 Soil and Water Conservation Act
水土保持局 Soil and Water Conservation Bureau
林地水土保持 soil and water conservation for forest
水土保持戶外教室 soil and water conservation outdoor classroom
水土保持計畫 Soil and Water Conservation Plan
水土保持方法 soil and water conservation practices
水土保持方 soil and water conservation practices
土壤袋 soil bag
土袋防砂壩 soil bag check dam
土壤袋植生 soil bag vegetation
土壤化學 soil chemistry
土壤分類 soil classification

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