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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
魚卵軟化症 Soft egg disease
軟包莊 Soft package
軟磷礦石 Soft rock phosphate
鱉苗 Soft shell turtle fry
Soft-shell turtle
鱉、甲魚、圓魚、水魚 soft-shell turtle (Trionychidae)
軟化 Softening
土壤 soil
土壤酸度 / pH 值 soil acidity
土壤空氣 soil air
土壤改良 soil amelioration
土壤改良劑 soil amendment
土壤改良資材 soil amendment
土壤肥料研究室 Soil and Fertilizer Laboratory
土壤肥料研究室 ( 一 ) Soil and Fertilizer Research Office (I)

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