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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
九孔 Small abalones
九孔 small abalones / sea ears (Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis)
九孔 Small abalones Sea ears
九孔苗 Small abalones seeds
中小徑木 small and medium sawlog stage
小型群聚 Small community
小硬玉米 Small filnt corn
小型漁船 Small fishing boat
小地主大佃農 Small Landlords and Big Tenants
小型乾燥系統 Small Scale Drying System
小型漁業 Small scale fishery
小鯊,鯊條 Small shark
小單拖 Small trawl
小黃魚 Small yellow croaker
小葉種紅茶 Small-leaf black tea

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