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::: Current Location: Home > achievements > > DJULIS TAITUNG NO. 1—A NEW FORCE IN SPECIAL GRAINS



So as to boost the industry of indigenous people’s special crops in Taitung, the Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES) of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan held a naming review meeting for a new variety of djulis on March 22, 2018. After both textual and on-site reviews, the review committee members were unanimous in naming it djulis Taitung No. 1, making it the first djulis variety in Taiwan. It has red panicle (the major market trend) and ripens 13 days earlier than the current commercial varieties, which is an improvement in the aspect of harvesting. The variety has high harvest index and high fertilizer-use efficiency, which makes it suitable to be grown as a cash crop. It is also high in such nutritional elements as protein, betalains, and micronutrients, making it a stable ingredient for the production of health foods and a positive influence on the development of the special grain industry.

Djulis Taitung No. 1 ripens early and may be harvested 13 days earlier than the control variety. Djulis Taitung No. 1 produces red spikes, the most common on the market. Review committee members view Djulis Taitung No. 1 growing in a field. Djulis Taitung No. 1 received its name by unanimous vote by the review committee on March 22. 

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