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Eco-Friendly Monkey Control


The TTDARES developed a weapon against monkeys that neither harms them nor negatively impacts the environment—a mesh tree cover. It was developed after studies were done on Taiwan macaque behavior and habits, and it has proven to prevent the serious damage caused by these monkeys, decreasing grower losses with no negative impact on the environment. The tree cover is used for the 2-3 months before harvest in this way: 1) For the first year, only trees along the edge of the orchard where macaques enter need to be covered. 2) During the second year, if the macaques seem to no longer be dismayed by the covers, gradually add covers to trees beginning from the edges toward the center of the orchard. 3) During and after the third year, when the macaques become familiar with the covers again and go further into the orchard, be sure to cover all trees that produce the most and best fruit.

During the first year, only trees located at the edges of the orchard, where monkeys enter, are covered. This offers a high degree of damage prevention. Tree mesh covers being used on orange trees such as the one on the left offer significant protection, maintaining a high level of yield and fruit quality. In contrast, all of the fruit on the uncovered tree to the right has been damaged.
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