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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
印太裸狗母 Lestidium indopacificum Ege
日本裸狗母 Lestidium japonica Tanaka
正裸狗母 Lestidium nudum Gilbert
中間裸狗母 Lestrolepis intermedia (Poey)
致死濃度 Lethal concentration
致死劑量 lethal dosage
致死效應 Lethal effect
致死因子 Lethal factor
龍占魚科 Lethrinidae
橫紋龍占 Lethrinus amboinensis Bleeker
阿根遜龍占 Lethrinus atkinsoni Seale
濱龍占、龍尖、龍占、海豬哥 Lethrinus choerorhynchus (Bloch & Schneider)
紅鰭龍占 Lethrinus fletus Whitley
一點龍占 Lethrinus frenatus Valenciennes
龍占 Lethrinus haematopterus Temminck & Schlegel

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