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Bilingual Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | S | Y | Z | All

Chinese English
標識 Labeling
鵲豆 lablab / lablab Bean
實驗室 Laboratory
實驗室認証 Laboratory Accreditation (LA)
實驗室認証 Laboratory Accreditation ; LA
實驗動物飼料 Laboratory animal diet
實驗動物 laboratory animals
實驗室培育 Laboratory raised
實驗樣品 Laboratory sample
勞動力 Labour force
勞動生產力 Labour productivity
單線摺唇鯛 Labrichthys unilineatus (Guichenot)
隆頭魚科 Labridae
隆頭魚亞目 Labroidei
二色裂唇鯛 Labroides bicolor Fowler & Bean

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